

Our beginning

We have been transmitted love for land and vinegrowing by our parents and grandparents: in their vineyards we used to spend summer holidays as children. The pleasure of playing among the rows, the precious teachings of grandparents, the first experiences in grape harvesting ... so many memories of pleasant moments during everyday life, marked by the rhythm of peasant life rituals, have led us to winemaking.







Da Lozzo Brothers

After university, being fascinated by wine universe as well as viticulture, we set up Azienda Agricola F.lli Da Lozzo and built our Cellar. Currently, we personally do follow, with dedication and attention to the environment, all our vineyards throughout the vegetative cycle: from winter pruning to harvest, when the grapes get ready between August and September. Every step with the aim of obtaining high quality grapes and a genuine and sincere wine.

Beginning of conversion to Organic way

We decided to convert the crops to Organic Method, starting with an area of 2.5 Hectares planted with Pinot Grigio, Prosecco (Glera grape) and Merlot.

Total conversion

After the positive results of the test carried out the year before, we decided to convert the entire production area to Organic cultivation.

Sustainable Production

We bought Bertoni 'Arcobaleno' drift recovery sprayer for the management of treatments: greater efficiency, less use of power and energy ... less pollution.

Organic Certification

The first 2.5 Hectares converted to Organic obtained the certification. The following year the whole company would have been certified Organic.

Water Saving

The emergency sprinkler irrigation got replaced with drip irrigation which allowed significant water savings.

Vegan Certification

Our wines obtain Vegan certification from VLabel Italia Srl.


Memebership of Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti
(Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers)

  • Avvio conversione al metodo biologico

    Si decide di convertire le colture al metodo biologico, iniziando con una superficie di 2,5 ettari coltivati a Pinot grigio, Prosecco e Merlot.

  • Conversione Totale

    Dopo il risultato positivo della prova effettuata l’anno precedente, si decide di convertire l’intera superficie produttiva alla coltivazione biologica.

  • Produzione Sostenibile

    Viene acquistata l'irroratrice a recupero Arcobaleno Bertoni per la gestione dei trattamenti: maggiore efficenza, con minor impiego di potenza e gasolio, a beneficio di un più basso inquinamento. Si sceglie come fornitore di energia elettrica Dolomiti Energia, energia prodotta al 100% da fonti rinnovabili.

  • Certificazione Biologica

    I primi 2,5 ettari convertiti a biologico, ottengono la certificazione. L'anno successivo tutta l'azienda sarà certificata Bio.
